Monday, 29 April 2013

Another email from Marcusson

Hi guys!
I received an email from Marcusson. It seems that he’s somehow suddenly willing to help, which at the very least brings us closer to Graham. At last. He indicated he was going to give me something, but then he went completely silent.
Of course, that’s not entirely true, as he literally sent me some sound. If it’s Marcusson in the clip, he’s addressing Graham, but I don’t know what to make of it. You guys have proven yourselves pretty good with this sort of thing, though. So here it is. I am hoping you can help me finally find Graham.  He has a lot to answer for.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmmmm "Stay away Graham, this is not war, there is no sacrifice"

    He dissapeared into the south culvert, im guessing thats where he still is...
